Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Doing Ok

Just an update since I haven't posted since July:

In August, we only had the first month's rent, but the landlord was nice enough to work along with us and wait til Chucky got his next check and pay him off. So far we've kept up with our payments which I'm thankful for. Had my first OB/GYN appt with Dr. Clarke, West Indian, no doubt, lol. She prescribed 6 months of BCPs, Ortho Tri Cyclen, which I was none too happy about, and I told her about it failing in the past, but she wanted me to give it another try, and if after 2 mons. and it didn't work, she would try something else. Meanwhile I am supposed to be also losing weight, to be a healthier pregnancy weight...:). I love even writing about me being pregnant, lol, ok that's sad.

In September, I gave up my job search and enrolled in school, Sanford Brown Institute. I'm going for Medical Billing and Coding, and will graduate by September'09. We've got to wear these burgundy-ish scrubs as uniform, and classes are M-Th, 6-9pm. I really would have preferred day classes, but none were being offered, since I enrolled like 3 days before classes actually started and I think those were all full by then. SIL's best friend Cynthia also signed up with me too, so we partner up and are helping each other out which I need! I do have to pay tuition tho while in school, $200 installments on the 2nd of every month because we weren't approved for a grant. *SIGH*, they said if I had a child, I would've probably have been approved....yeah, thanks for making me feel worse about not being able to conceive!!
My first month on BCP's was going AWFUL, I got awful cramps, my boobs hurt constantly, I just felt terrible. AF did go away though, but when she came back...oy. Very heavy, I thought I was gonna hemorrage or something. I went for a follow up with the doc for the results from my pap, and she said if it gets too much for me to handle then definitely stop. I decided to stick it out and my next cycle was AMAZING!! Af came for 8 days, and has gone and stayed away

October now, my dad calls and leaves a message that my 1/2 sis is in town...and pg. I've only met her once, but really bonded with her that one time. It may be due to the fact that she's 1 day older than me, lol IDK. But I've been over to see her, she's come over to the house and met Chucky and some of the fam, and I even went with her to her first ultrasound. She didn't have any back home, so this ultrasound was to tell the sex. The baby wouldn't open it's legs though, so we didn't get to see what it was, lol. The ultrasound experience was amazing though, can't wait til it's my turn. Her original due date was Jan. 1, but they told her give or take 2 weeks, so she could either give birth around Dec. or Jan. 15. I'm thinking more earlier than later, don't know why.

SIL is getting close too, she's due Dec.5, her 2nd baby boy. Both of my sis. bf's are pregnant too, one is due in Nov. and having a girl, the other one is due in Jan (I think), and having twin girls. I've got some gifts to buy, and have only got one so far, lol. Extra money is hard to come by, but at least we're getting by. This post is getting long and I'm getting tired, that's it from me for now.

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